Thursday, June 01, 2006

Moving to Columbus... and other adventures

Jason Kucsma is visiting Tucson, Arizona. It's hot down here... and dry. Jason and Megan are good sports, and they don't complain. But they certainly picked the right month to make the move.

Until a few days ago I had only known Jason through random email exchanges. I am in love with Clamor magazine of which Jason is the editor. Sarah and I had the chance to grab a bite.

In August he is moving from Ohio to Tucson, and I'll be making the return move from Tucson to Ohio. Perhaps we'll run into one another on the road.

Kucsma also edits an annual collection called The Zine Yearbook

My friend Dave Crosland turned me onto the Zine YearBook when his book Heaven LLC was included.

It's fun to play the degrees of seperation game when yer stressed out.

Check out Clamor blog at:

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