Friday, June 23, 2006

On-set photography for a Makino short!

Spoke with Yuri Makino, film professor and independent filmmaker, about her short, Alma, in production this summer. I'll be shooting production photography during her shoot - scheduled for July 22-24 in Tucson.

From the Phoenix NO FESTIVAL REQUIRED bio page on Yuri - "Ms. Makino is in development with Alma, a feature film about a nineteen-year-old Chicana who discovers she is not a U.S. citizen and is jailed in a maximum security prison. Ms. Makino plans to direct Alma in Southern Arizona and Mexico. Alma, co-written by Ms. Makino, was awarded semi-finalist status at the 1999 Sundance Institute Feature Film Lab and awarded the 2000 Roy W. Dean Grant (worth $40,000 in-kind). "

Yuri's films are wonderful, and have played a major role in opening my eyes to the power of personal documentary.

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